Sunday, 15 November 2015



Jacob Knight.

For this assessment I chose to recreate the Matrix scene, and transformed the genre from sci-fi adventure to family/comedy. One decision that I wanted to see through from the beginning of the animation process was that I wanted to make it as obvious as possible that I was referencing the Matrix scene. To do this I copied the same camera movements as the actual Matrix scene, as well as most of the characters movements (I had to add in some extra movements, such as the legs walking, because of the addition of the limbo stick). As you can see in the images above, during the concept development I storyboarded my character poses to match those of Neo. I feel that without using the same camera movements than the reference to the original would have been lost, and it would have just been a scene with an old lady doing the limbo. Also I feel that by drawing a close comparison between the two than my scene becomes more comical due to the serious and intense vibe that you get from the Matrix scene.

Another decision I made was with the clothes. Originally I was

 going to have my character wearing a typical old lady style 

dress. The design to the right was what I was going to use for a

 long time. However it was not until the story boarding stages 

when I realized that this choice of clothing could be really 

inappropriate. With the character doing poses such as this...

… then a dress would be far more revealing than what I would want. This led to the decision to give the character shorts and T-shirt.

Originally for the ocean, I was just going to have a solid blue color instead of the moving material that I ended up using. This was because I had no idea of the ocean material existed. This is what it looked like…

I hated this design and I thought it looked terrible. It was because of this that I desperately searched for

a good substitute, and ended up discovering the ocean shader. I was far happier with this material, as

it not only added more life to the scene but it also came with options that allowed me to customize the

ocean to how I wanted it.

If I were to change something about my animation, than I would probably design some aspects of my character differently. The way I created the legs and waist made it quite difficult and awkward for my character to bend her legs. This is because the hips extend out further than the legs do, so the knee would often end up going up into the waist whenever I tried to have her bend a leg. Also this made it quite difficult to paint weights onto the character as well, and it meant I had to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how I needed to skin her in order to have the most natural looking leg bend that I could get.
Another decision that proved to be critical was my choice of skin colour. The idea I had from the start of the creative process was that I wanted to design a colourful and bright character, as it I felt it looked good in the 2D character designs I made. However when applied it to my 3D model it looked terrible and creepy. It was far too pink and plastic looking as it was also a blinn material. My peers also found it pretty ugly, so it was the right choice to change it. The next skin texture I found was far better than this solid pink colour. This experience helped me to realise that I the future when I am designing a 3D character I need to consider how the design will look in 3D, because just because a design looks good in 2D does not necessarily mean it will work well in 3D.


Yay!! This is my final animation.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


I have been working on my environment for the last week. I am pretty happy with some of the results (especially the ocean).

This is all concealed in a dome, so that I can get the sky.

Monday, 2 November 2015


Because my scene is at a beach, I have been looking at water effects for the ocean. I might go with this one.

play blast of camera movement and key frames

Still needs some touching up

Monday, 5 October 2015

The up to date rig.

These are images of the rig I have so far. I have so far added most of the controls that I need, IK handles for the legs and feet, and locators as well as attributes for the foot (such as Foot roll, Toe Tap, and Toe Roll).

Face/mouth rig.

This is my face rigging. I might change this later on, because one of my peers has told me that there is a better way to do it. I will experiment with both. 

First attempt at hand rigging.

Here is a hand rigging I did early on in this assignment. I have tweaked it a bit since then.

Rigging from day 1

Here is the joints that I managed to lay down on my first day. Fair to say I have done a bit more work since then.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Final character turnaround.

Final prop turnaround.

Final touch ups.

Yesterday I did the final touch ups for my character. I ended up changing the texture and color of the skin, now it looks more realistic. The skin has more wrinkles and freckles now, and looks more like the skin of an old lady. I also finished coloring my characters glasses and camera.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

My texturing for today.

Today was spent texturing more of my model. Because my models skin for the meantime is just a solid colour, texturing the models arms, legs and face was easy enough. Depending on how much time I have left to submit this model, I might revisit the skin texturing later on and explore different textures that I could apply to it to improve the appearance. For the meantime though I am content with how it looks.

I also textured the shoes today, I decided to give them and black leather texture.

Also I have made some strings to dangle down from the shorts, because that's what I had in the design reference. I am quite happy with how they turned out.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Pants Texture.

Today I textured the pants of my character. It got complicated at times, but in the end I produced this...

I am not 100% happy with the final outcome here, but I am happy enough for now. Further on I will adjust the texture slightly so that it looks more like how I envisioned it.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Today I got my shirt both textured and colored.

I am pretty chuffed with the outcome, it looks like how I envisioned it :D

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Additional lips.

Today I also added some lips to my character. I did this because at the moment my character is doing very little movement, and I don't know if I will get marked down for that. So I am also gonna have my characters mouth moving in order to just add more complexity to the characters movement.

UV mapping.

Today I did some more work on my UV mapping. I am getting close to finishing now, so I mainly just need to do the painting and then I will be done with the characters head.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Finished model.

Today I finished by basic model and it turned out better than I expected it to. Now I just need to to the turn-around.

Nearly finished

Over the past week I have continued to tweak my model so that it fits the character design as much as possible. I then smoothed the entire body and duplicated it. It still needs a little more tweaking and I need to also connect the hand to the arm. This is what I have so far...

Hand modeling

Yesterday I tried modeling my hand. I had to watch a few online tutorials to finally get it, but I am satisfied with my final outcome. I, along with a few of my class mates, found the hand to be one of the hardest and most complicated parts of the model. Although I got it finished I still feel that there is lots of room for improvement, but that will eventually come with practice.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Character head.

After I finished some work on the torso I then moved on to doing some development for my characters head. This took me quite a while to understand, but thankfully today's lesson was focused around modeling the head. So I watched the tutorial a couple of times and managed to produce this...